The Beca Super Scheme (Scheme) was established in 2007 as a Complying Fund to mirror the benefits of KiwiSaver but with some additional benefits in the form of a higher rate of employer contributions plus minimum death and total and permanent disablement benefits.

Scheme members have both “locked-in” and “standard” balances. With limited exceptions (such as significant financial hardship or buying a first home) locked-in balances are not payable until NZ Super age (currently 65) but may be transferred to KiwiSaver. Standard balances can be more flexibly accessed, including when resigning from Beca’s service

The Scheme is governed by BGS Trustee Limited. There are seven directors of the Trustee, one of whom is a Licensed Independent Trustee. The Trustee invests members’ money in various investments via the Beca Group Superannuation Plan (BGSP).

Membership of the Scheme is available to eligible employees by invitation from any of the companies currently participating in the Scheme (currently Beca Limited, Beca Group Limited, Beca Engineering New Zealand Limited and Beca Applied Technologies Limited).

Recent Updates

Fund Updates for the Scheme (for current year 2024 and prior year 2023) are available here

Fund Updates for the BGSP (for current year 2024 and prior year 2023) are available here.

The Scheme Newsletters are available here. BGSP Newsletters are available here. For further information about the Beca Super Scheme or to provide feedback about this site please contact us
Beca Group Superannuation Plan

This is site is primarily for the BSS. However, BGSP documents can be found here.

BGS Trustee Limited is the issuer of membership interests in the Beca Super Scheme (Scheme). A copy of the Scheme’s Product Disclosure Statement is available under Scheme Documentation and at The Beca Group Superannuation Plan is closed to new members.

The latest Product Disclosure Statement for the Scheme is available here.